Friday, June 17, 2011


I've begun to notice that this blog has turned into me regurgitating other blogs, but quasi-unemployment has enabled me to spend time reading things on the InterWebz, and it's impossible for me to keep some amazing finds to myself. So, in addition to re-twittering, posting links on theFacebook, and shouting wildly upon discovering some life-changing piece of blogwork, I'm going to post awesome things I find here!!! YAAAAAAY. I know. You're all excited. I understand.

Today's bit of insightful blogdom is courtesy of Thought Catalog, my current favorite snarky and intelligent culture-collector and commentator (HIRE ME HIRE ME HIRE ME HIRE ME ACCEPT MY SUBMISSIONS PLEASE). During my daily (i.e., hourly) Twitter search, I saw this article titled "Spending Money Like A 20-Something". The piece notes how, despite the fact that almost every 20-something lacks serious funds, we spend money on things like rent/alcohol/iPhones as if we have access to some everflowing fountain of dolla dolla bills.

tastes like pee, but oh so cheap...!
The alcohol thing is particularly true. On an average night out in New York City, it's real easy to drop like six bazillion dollars on overpriced booze. $4 PBR and a shot Happy Hour special? AWESOME, DUDE! SO CHEAP!...and a few/six beer-shot combos later, there goes the rent money. And maybe whatever you ate that day.

Where is all this spare drinking/renting/life living cash coming from? Excellent question. When you find out, let me know.

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