Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Right, I Have a Blog...(and other thoughts)

Yes, so I haven't been quite the dedicated blogger I envisioned myself to be, but to be fair, I've been under academic duress recently. Also, this past weekend was Spring Fair, which is the only ultimate fun weekend at Hopkins, so I was quite busy with all that.

There is something quite fantastically non-mediocre about day drinking outside in the sun. I wouldn't recommend it, say, on the streets of Manhattan during your lunch break, but beer gardens, man...those are the bomb. Apparently there's a beer garden under the High Line this summer. NEW YORK I LOVE YOU.

Saturday night, a bunch of Hopkins skidz embarked on a mass exodus off campus to go to the Floristree, this uber-hip ad-hoc space downtown-ish that plays host to some cheap shows. The Floristree is kind of a scene - mustachioed hipsters galore! - but at the same time, it's one of those real essential Baltimore spots, one of those places where you feel inserted in the heart of the local youth culture. Everyone chugs 40s of Natty Boh and moshes to the music without any consideration for rhythm,  the bands abuse Vocorders, and people wear suspenders.

Bmo', you so cool.
It's, in a word, awesome.

And when I looked around the other night and soaked up the scene, I thought about how much I was going to miss it.

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